I generally use this blog to share posts I come across
during my regular use of the web.
I do not surf the digital world looking for anything in
particular, or anything un-particular.
If something catches my eye as I scroll, or page hop, I may,
if I have time, stop and look. Mostly I find trash, repetitive rubbish, simple
mind numbing lists or links to site full of virus and bullsh*t.
But, occasionally, very occasionally, I find content that is
outstanding. Often these are well written, but even if the grammar leaves much
to be desired, those posts will find their way here, onto Brilliant Blog Share,
because they are written from the heart. They are a spilling of emotion, of
love, of hope, of grieving., or they are full of spirit and hope and dreams.
This is what Brilliant Blog Share is all about, sharing the best of what we, the people, have in our souls, touching one another with understanding and compassion.
Lord knows that in this day and age, with the way current affairs
are being played out across the world, we all need that support, a hand to
hold, a shoulder to rest our weary head upon, or the warmth of a companion's
body to drive the chill from our bones.
Please, feel free to scroll back and forth on this blog.
Take a moment or two from your day to read these posts. Some are poignant,
others inspirational, but they are all wonderful in their own right.
Share these posts, share them all with your social communities,
your forum groups, your friends and family.
This blog, Brilliant Blog Share is free to subscribe too, so
please do, follow us, join us now, be part of sharing the best, the most
brilliant blogs, with the rest of the world.
Thank you for reading.
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