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 About ‘Baby’

Yesterday, August 30th 2024, I posted a short note on social media.

It simply said, “Please do not contact me today, my baby cat died in my arms earlier this morning.”

My reason for posting that notice publicly is that it was easier and less heartbreaking than writing individual messages to those who know me.

What amazed me was the response. Not only from those I intended the message to reach but also the flood of comments from people I don’t know. Many, I am sure, have never responded to any of my previous posts. So, strangers, all with words of condolence and sympathy.

I thank you all. Your words of support or comfort mean more than you know.

In reply, I think it is only right for me to give you a little background about ‘Baby’.

She found us, adopted us.

One morning, about three months ago, I stepped out of the house and saw a small cat curled into a doughnut shape. She was in a small space between some flower pots.

I lifted her from the damp ground. She was thin and weak. Her ribs clearly showing, but she had the most wonderful eyes. As she looked at me, I was certain I could see hope and trust in her expression.

Not having any cat food, I scrambled some eggs and mixed them with a little rice. The way she ate it was obvious she was near to starvation.

Inspecting her, besides being small and underweight, she only had one-third of a tail, so already she had experienced trauma.

Over the next few days, we fed and watered her, gave her a bed and, of course, had a veterinary surgeon examine her. They estimated she was between 4 to 5 months old.

We also enquired in the neighbourhood, and on local social media, if any was missing a cat. No one claimed her.

With the appropriate vitamin injections, along with the standard inoculations, Baby was doing well.

I have owned cats all my life, (I am not young, I am now in the winter of my life) often having four or more at once, and rarely less than two. The longest my cats have lived is 22, and 18 years respectively. So, I have cared for a vast number during that time.

So, I feel I have some authority to say Baby was special, she was the most gentle, placid, loving, and affectionate I have had the fortune of knowing. She was a one in a million cat.

Sadly, she became ill a short while ago. She had difficulty breathing. The vets say it was some form of lung infection, a pneumonia type.

She may have had an underlying condition, something we could not know as she was a few months old when she came to us.

For nine days we went back and forth to the surgery, more injections, as she could not take oral medicine. Never once did she lose her affection. You could see the trust in those beautiful eyes of hers.

As I said in my post yesterday, Baby passed away in my arms around 10 o’clock in the morning. I think her heart gave up the struggle. It had all become too much for her. She died looking at me, a loving, caring, trusting look.

We only had the good fortune of her presence for three months, but she made such an impact on our lives.

So, Baby’s life was only eight short months. It is so unfair that such a beautiful soul can be taken so soon.

I hate mortality.




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